Advent Kickoff with Guided Imagery

Advent Kickoff with Guided Imagery

Sunday, December 02, 2018, 12:00 AM - 2:30 PM

Location: St. Luke Presbyterian Church, 10 Bayview Drive, San Rafael, CA US 94901

You are invited to “A Taste of GIM”. Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) is a spiritual pathway that leads to freedom and profound experience of the presence of God. GIM is an invitation to take a long, loving look within, to walk inner pathways to self-discovery and to deep peace. Come and listen to music designed to bring images from your Soul for your life.

Led by Spiritual Director Debbie Dybsky and her GIM partners. 

December 2nd, 12:00 -2:30 

Please grab or bring a lunch after worship before attending GIM.  

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