The Weekly View

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Sunday, April 19, 2020


Dear St. Luke Community,

We’re in the season of Easter now. Last Sunday we celebrated what is the apex of our faith and this season continues for many weeks as Jesus Christ makes his presence known through what we call resurrection appearances.

For Thomas (and I would suggest for any of us) the presence of Christ begins with desire. The disciples come to Thomas and tell him he missed Jesus’s appearance. And Thomas says “Unless I put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe.” (John 20: 24-30.) Reverend Dan White will be preaching on this text, but I will be with you all as well.

Thomas, we can imagine, is heartbroken on having missed out. He doesn’t want to celebrate, he wants to see for himself. He desires Jesus so much that Jesus comes again and offers Thomas what he needs. 

Desire seems to be key, on this path and in this life. The more we desire for God to show God’s self to us to more we will naturally begin paying attention to all the ways God is already there. The more we desire to go deeper in communion with God and one another, the more God finds ways to offer just that. Resurrection experiences happen individually and collectively. Our world is need now of resurrection experiences and beginnings. 

Remember the end of the Praise Song for the Pandemic we watched last Sunday?  The last lines…..

And when this has passed, may we say that love spread more quickly than any virus ever could. May we say this was not just an ending, but a place to begin.

If we can begin again from a place of desire, and succeed in having spread love more quickly, then when this is over, we will witness together resurrection experiences for all who received love. As we revaluate what is most important in our lives, which is life and love itself, let us be able to say that our lives changed, that the world changed, and that beginnings are resurrection appearances of their own when love brings new life born from the ashes of pain and suffering.

Yours in Christ,


Join us and invite your friends and family for this Sunday's worship service.   We will send a reminder on Saturday.


We continue to have recurring meetings via Zoom throughout the week, including Bible Study, Women's Meditation and Choir.  Details for the meetings will be sent on Monday.

Posted by Nicole Trotter with
