Sunday, December 23, 2018
This Sunday ~ The Fourth Sunday in Advent
There will be lessons and carols and special music this Sunday as we worship God and light the candle of hope.
Please come dwell in the Word of God and sing together carols that open our hearts and prepare us for the birth of Christ.
Christmas Eve Services at St. Luke
4:00 pm ~ Children’s Wiggle Service
Children and toddlers are invited to bring nativity pieces to the creche as we present the traditional Christmas manger scene through story and song.
Cider and Cookies between services.
5:30 pm ~ Candlelight Service
Our traditional Candlelight service of Lessons, Carols and music.
Childcare available.
Deacon Ministry ~
San Rafael CARE Team is collecting coats and other “warm things” to distribute. Please bring any of the following and leave in the office:
Sleeping bags, Warm jackets and hooded sweatshirts, Beanies, Gloves, Socks, Raingear and Ponchos, Shoes.