The Weekly View

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Sunday, December 8, 2019

This Sunday

Dear St. Luke Community, 

Tickets are still available for this Sunday’s Christmas Concert at 4:00. The band, choir and soloists have been rehearsing all week and we look forward to supporting our church together in this creative endeavor with your presence.

Tickets available here: 

This Sunday’s Worship at 10:00 marks our second Sunday of Advent. We will witness the lighting of the candle of peace and hear Isaiah’s vision for peace; a time when wolves and lambs live side by side. (11:1-10) But our Gospel reading has a very different tone.(Matthew 3:1-12) John the Baptist is out in the wilderness yelling warnings about the need for repentance. As far as I can tell, peace begins with each one of us. The more we can take responsibility for the ways in which we create dissonance through our attitudes, prejudice and a blind eye, the more we can be led to the river which washes away the old ways and allows us to begin again with new sight. This new sight requires we see others not as others at all but the way Jesus saw everyone; as family. Differences can be embraced and disputes can lead us towards change when we find common purpose, respect and decency.

Our closing hymn this Sunday ends with this;

With every step I take
Let this be my solemn vow
To take each moment and live
Each moment in peace eternally
Let there be peace on earth
And let it begin with me

I look forward to being together during this most important season.

See you Sunday,

Outreach and Deacon Ministry

All are welcome to attend 

St Luke’s November Food Drive Barrel ~
St. Luke will collect canned proteins/meats:  Beans, Peanut Butter, Tuna, Salmon, Sardines, Chicken, Turkey, Beef. You may also donate using the green envelope and with the notation FOOD DRIVE. $1 = 2 Meals!

Ritter Center Christmas Gift Barrel ~ Ritter Center Adopt-a-Family Christmas Gift Barrel
Ritter Center serves Marin families and individuals who are homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless. This year St. Luke will be providing gifts for both children and adults, as we have adopted two families and five elderly adults for Christmas. Look for the signup board in the narthex - simply take a tag from the board and bring back an unwrapped gift to the office by Tuesday, December 10th.  St. Luke volunteers will deliver our gift-filled barrel to Ritter Center on Friday, December 13th.  

Street Chaplaincy Dinner ~ Tuesday, December 17th
This is our first call for volunteers to help serve on the evening. If you’re interested in serving, please email Michael Baranowski at .

Upcoming Events & Announcements

All are welcome to attend 

First Annual St. Luke’s Christmas Concert ~ Sunday, December 8th, 4:00 PM
Join us for the First Annual St. Luke Presbyterian Christmas Concert, This is Christmas! featuring St. Luke members and friends as they share their gifts in song, music and a few surprises along the way. From classical to contemporary, there will be something for everyone in our decorated sanctuary.  Following the concert, there will be a reception with complimentary beverages and appetizers in the Bayview Room. Tickets are $30. You may buy tickets after service and online at  Net proceeds will go to benefit St. Luke Presbyterian Church and its outreach ministries. 

Celebrate Christmas with St. Luke

December 15th ~ JOY
December 18th ~ Wednesday, 7:00 PM Blue Christmas Service
December 22nd ~ LOVE
December 18th ~ Wednesday 7:00 PM Blue Christmas service.
December 24th ~ Tuesday 5:30 PM Traditional Candlelight Christmas Eve Service, Cider and Cookies 5:00 PM prior to service.

Mill Street Meal Providers ~ Monday, January 6th GROUP A  

Mission Trip Opportunity with SRFPC ~  Last year members Carlene McCart, Skipper Cummings and Jim Tillson joined the team at First Presbyterian SR on a mission trip to Texas. This year the group is going Omaha, Nebraska, April 19-25. The mission includes house repair from damage caused by flooding in March 2019. The work will be guided by Omaha Rapid Response and includes removing and replacing studs in walls, installing insulation and drywall, and laying flooring, etc. no construction experience is needed. Please email Ralph Purdy for more info.   

Men’s Cursillo Weekend ~ April 23rd-26th
This is a weekend that will deepen your spiritual journey, deepen relationships and lead you into new friendships that could last a lifetime. It is one of those experiences that is difficult to put into words but will be well worth your while. For more info, please email John Bischoff at   

St. Luke Men's Group 2020 ~ In 2020, we will continue hold meetings on the first Tuesday of every other month at 6 PM:  January 7th, March 3rd,  May 5th,  July 7th,  September 1st, and November 3rd. Please put these dates on your schedules and plan on attending. John is looking for volunteers to host a dinner meeting at your home on these dates. Please email John Lenser if you are willing to host and if there is a specific date that works for you. 

Ongoing Events

All are welcome to attend 

Bible Study - Wednesdays at 9:30 AM
St. Luke Choir Rehearsal - Wednesdays at 7:00 PM
Women's Spirituality Group - Thursdays at 9:00 AM
Deacons Meeting - 2nd Tuesday, January 14th, 6:00 PM
Pizza and Theology - 3rd Tuesday, January 21st, 7:00 PM
St. Luke Women’s Bridge - 4th Tuesday, January 27th, 10:30 AM
Session Meeting - 4th Tuesday, January 27th, 7:00 PM

Posted by Nicole Trotter with
