Sunday, January 3, 2020
This Sunday
Dear St. Luke Community,
What is it that keeps us searching? I‘m not assuming you’re all searching, though I have to think that if you’re following Christ, you’re also searching for him; searching for the ways in which He manifests. Manifestations of Christ are also epiphanies, and the tradition we honor this Sunday; Epiphany Sunday.
We don’t know for how long the Magi in Matthew’s Gospel searched. We don’t know whether they got lost on the way, or argued about which direction to go, or whether or not they trusted they would find what they were looking for. What we know is that they looked up at the night sky until a star appeared.
Searching never guarantees us an outcome.
Like the Magi, we wonder and we follow and we wander and we search the way, looking for that divine manifestation of love that now lives with us, among us, as one of us. In things both tangible and elusive, God appears.
Searching never grantees us an outcome, except for maybe in this one way; in the searching we discover we’re never alone. In the searching we discover that love shines its radiant beams most clearly in the dark. We discover that we carry gifts, just as the Magi did. We carry gifts knitted into the fabric our very being, no matter how lost we are, because as long as we are searching for God, God treasures the search, making us a gift and a blessing to the very One we worship.
Keep searching, keep discovering, keep giving.
See you Sunday,
Upcoming Events & Announcements
All are welcome to attend
Informational Meeting ~ January 5th
After worship in the Bayview room Michael Antieri, Elder serving Session, will hold an informational meeting about the developments around hosting a cell tower on St. Luke’s property. Michael will fill in all interested on the process, where we’ve been and where it stands now. This is not a congregational meeting, (that will happen in February).
Mill Street Meal Providers ~ Monday, January 6th, GROUP A
Mission Trip Opportunity with SRFPC~
Last year members Carlene McCart, Skipper Cummings and Jim Tillson joined the team at First Presbyterian SR on a mission trip to Texas. This year the group is going to Omaha, Nebraska, April 19-25. The mission includes house repair from damage caused by flooding in March 2019. The work will be guided by Omaha Rapid Response and includes removing and replacing studs in walls, installing insulation and drywall, and laying flooring, etc., no construction experience is needed. Please email Ralph Purdy for more information at
Men’s Cursillo Weekend ~ April 23rd-26th
This is a weekend that will deepen your spiritual journey, deepen relationships and lead you into new friendships that could last a lifetime. It is one of those experiences that is difficult to put into words but will be well worth your while. For more info, please email John Bischoff at
St. Luke Men's Group 2020 ~
In 2020, we will hold meetings on the first Tuesday of every other month at 6 PM: March 3rd, May 5th, July 7th, Sept. 1st, and Nov. 3rd. Please put these dates on your schedule and plan on attending. John is looking for volunteers to host a dinner meeting at your home on these dates. Please email John Lenser
if you are willing to host and if there is a specific date that works for you.
Outreach and Deacon Ministry
All are welcome to attend
St Luke’s Winter Food Drive Barrel ~
St. Luke is collecting canned proteins/meats: Beans, Peanut Butter, Tuna, Salmon, Sardines, Ham, Chicken, Turkey, Beef. You may also donate using the green envelope with the notation FOOD DRIVE. $1 = 2 Meals!
Grateful Gatherings ~ Saturday, February 1st, 8:00 AM-12:30 PM
GG Mission: To bring hope to families in need. When a family transitions from homelessness or crisis into a new home in the Bay Area, we help them furnish it. We believe that families can thrive when they have a safe and comfortable home. Look for information about February’s families in the coming weeks. Use the green pew envelope to donate today. Their website is
Ongoing Events
All are welcome to attend
Bible Study - Wednesdays at 9:30 AM
St. Luke Choir Rehearsal - Wednesdays at 7:00 PM
Women's Spirituality Group - Thursdays at 9:00 AM
Deacons Meeting - 2nd Tuesday, January 14th, 6:00 PM
Pizza and Theology (canceled Dec.) - 3rd Tuesday, January 21st, 7:00 PM
St. Luke Women’s Bridge - 4th Tuesday, January 27th, 10:30 AM
Session Meeting - 4th Tuesday, January 27th, 7:00 PM