Sunday, July 14th, 2019
This Sunday
Dear St. Luke Community,
Go on your way. See, I am sending you out like lambs into the midst of wolves. Carry no purse, no bag, no sandals; and greet no one on the road. Whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace to this house!’ And if anyone is there who shares in peace, your peace will rest on that person; but if not, it will return to you. (Luke 10:3-7)
Those are some big words. Read them again. That’s Jesus speaking to his followers whom he is sending out ahead of him. That charge to us today hasn’t changed. As followers, we’ve been called to spread the Gospel. One would think, as long as we’re spreading love, nothing could go wrong. We can think we are doing and saying all the right things when it comes to loving God and others. But at the end of the day, there will be those who disagree, who resent you, who fight with you and even accuse you of heresy.
That’s why I love this line….if someone does not share in your peace, it will return to you. (vs6) Which means not only is your intention still intact but so is the peace with which you came. We do that sometimes. We think that we’ve wasted our time, wasted our energy when we discover our intentions have been unwelcome at best, despised at worst. But according to Jesus, peace returns to you. Perhaps that’s because that “peace” that wholeness, doesn’t really belong to us. God’s peace, which we all have in us, is meant to be given away. It’s meant to change the world by being expressed in what we do, how we live. No one, no matter how vehemently they deny or disagree, can take that away.
Peace be with you,
Deacon Ministry
6th Annual Pedal for Protein ~ September 22nd – 28th, Let's ride!
A ride for a cause! Supports food bank pantries & projects to help feed hungry people in Northern California. 100% of all donations go to food projects. The ride is organized by The Hunger Task Force of the Presbytery of the Redwoods. For information and to donate go to or
KIVA.ORG ~ St Luke’s Women’s Association has supported KIVA for many years. KIVA is a San Francisco based non-profit that offers individuals or groups the opportunity to make a $25 or larger loan in many countries. KIVA will be a St Luke Deacon’s Cause in the Fall.
Upcoming Events & Announcements
All are welcome to attend
Summer Sermon Series “Upon Request" ~
For three Sunday’s July 21, 28th and August 4th, Rev Trotter will preach upon request. Perhaps there’s a scripture, topic or question you’ve always wished you could hear addressed in a sermon. Just email Nicole your request and there’s a good chance it will be the topic of one of those Sunday sermons.
Acoustic Sundays ~ July 21st, 10:00 am
A relaxed service with guitars, drums, and keyboard where we blend secular popular songs and modern easy to sing hymns.
Grateful Gatherings ~ Saturday, July 27th 8:00 AM-12: 30 PMGG Mission: To bring hope to families in need. When a family transitions from homelessness or crisis into a 3 new home in the Bay Area, we help them furnish it. We believe that families can thrive when they have a safe and comfortable home. On Saturday, July 27th, we’ll once again be helping two more Marin families. What we need is donations of goods and furniture (either new or gently used, depending on the item.) Of course, cash donations through our website (address below) for new mattresses and other needed items are always welcomed. View the list of items needed, read about the families & sign up for donations google, open HOME and click on UPCOMING GATHERINGS. Please bring donations to St. Luke on the morning of Saturday, July 27th between 8:30 am and 10:30 am. Your donations are tax deductible.
Mill Street Meal Providers ~ Monday, Aug 5th GROUP B
The first Monday of each month Group A or Group B is assigned a meal item to provide (fruit, milk & bread, main, salad, vegetable, dessert). The volunteers bring a different food item every other month. Please contact Stacy Bischoff at
for information.
Ongoing Events
All are welcome to attend
St. Luke Groups ~ The following ongoing groups will resume in September: Bible Study, St Luke Choir Rehearsal, St. Luke Women’s Bridge, Morning Women's Spirituality Group, Pizza and Theology, Session and Deacons.
Save The Date
All are welcome to attend
Upcoming Acoustic Sundays ~ July 21st, August 18th, September 15th
Fall Speaker Series ~ September 8th, 15th, 22nd after worship. Professor Greg Love returns for a Fall Speaker series on ‘The Change Towards Wholeness.” Looking at opposing views of how we change.
St Luke’s Annual Fundraiser Dinner & Auction ~ October 6th
St Luke’s Christmas Concert ~ December 8th, 4 PM
St Luke’s Christmas Concert followed by a reception in the Bayview room.