The Weekly View

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Sunday, November 11, 2018

This Sunday 

Dear St. Luke Community, 

Last Sunday will go down as one of the loveliest and most meaningful worships I’ve experienced since I started attending churches over 20 years ago. Thank you to everyone who contributed to making it such a special All Saints Sunday. We will do it again next year for those who missed it.

This Sunday Rev Dan White, Pastor Emeritus of St Luke, will be with you leading worship and we will have a candidate guest preacher in the pulpit. The scripture is Mark 12:38-44. Traditionally this scripture has been used for Stewardship campaigns, but when read closely, you begin to understand it much more complexly. I suggest you read it and read it again and imagine this woman as real rather than an illustration of how we should be giving. I invite you to imagine her status in society, her fear of being alone, her house having been devoured, and giving everything she had. 

Debie Thomas puts it this way… 

St. Mark prefaces the story of the widow with an account of Jesus blasting the religious leaders of his day for their greed, pomposity, and crass exploitation of the poor.  "Beware of the scribes," Jesus tells his followers.  "They devour widow's houses and for the sake of appearance say long prayers."  

Their piety, in other words, is a sham, and the religious institution they govern is corrupt — not in any way reflective of the God the Psalmist calls a "Father of orphans and protector of widows.”

When the rest of the world was blind to this woman and her struggles, Jesus sees her, God sees her, and we as the church, are to see her. Our true stewardship as the church is not only to take care of the needs of the church but to take care of those needs in order to take care of others, especially those who are struggling most.

That said, if you’d like to learn more about the financial shape of our church and stewardship goals, please click here to view the Stewardship Presentation that Elder John Bischoff, our Stewardship and Finance Chair, gave a few Sunday’s ago. 

Yours in Christ,

P.S. Rev Dan White will be on Emergency Pastoral Care call and can be reached at 415.272.4207. I’ll be back on Tuesday morning.

Upcoming Events & Announcements

All are welcome to attend

Waffle Sunday at St. Luke Sunday, November 18th 
After worship in the Bayview room, please join us for waffles and music. ELM (Enriching Lives Through Music) a non-profit bringing musical education and experience into the lives of children will be joining us. Please invite your friends and neighbors.  

Advent Season Series ~ Begins December 2nd, 10:00 AM
This year marks the 200th anniversary for the beloved song, “Silent Night.”  As we enter into this Advent Season we’re reminded of how much our world is in need of a pause, in need of calm. Join us this Advent Season as we journey together towards that holy night of peace.

St. Luke Women’s Association Annual Christmas Tea & Program ~ Friday, December 7, 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM.
Tea, Coffee, Sweets, and Savories with a Music Program and a RAFFLE. Invite your friends to enjoy St Luke’s Holiday cheer. Invitation cards are available from Women’s Association members and in the church office. Raffle items may be dropped off in the church office.

Continuing Events

All are welcome to attend

Deacons and Committees Meeting ~ Tuesday, November 13th, 5:00 PM 
Note new time.

Bible Study Series ~ Wednesday, Nov 14th, 9:30 AM  

Committee Meetings ~ Tuesday, November 13th, 6:30 PM

Morning Women's Spirituality Group ~ Thursday. Nov 15th, 9:00 AM

St. Luke Women’s Bridge Group ~ Monday, Nov 19th,& Tuesday, Nov 27th 10:30 AM
(3rd Monday & 4th Tuesday, Sept. to May). 

Pizza and Theology ~ Tuesday, November 20th, 6:30 PM
Creekside, San Anselmo. 

Session ~ Tuesday, November 27th, 6:30 PM

Posted by Nicole Trotter with
