The Weekly View

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Sunday, November 18, 2018

This Sunday 

Dear St. Luke Community, 

With Advent and Christmas around the corner, we will be supporting Ritter Center of San Rafael in their Christmas Gift Giving Program. Ritter Center serves families and individuals in Marin County who are homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless.

On Sunday when you enter the Narthex (aka the front porch of the church) you’ll see a Christmas tree filled with tags. Simply take a tag with you and bring back an unwrapped gift for that child the following Sunday to place in the gift barrel. We will have until December 14th to drop off gifts.

This Sunday is Acoustic Sunday. After worship, we will be feeding over 100 people with waffles! Half of those people are children enrolled in the ELM project. A non-profit enriching lives through music by bringing music education into the lives of under-served children. And yes, we will be hearing them play! So please plan on staying around after worship to support this wonderful organization.

This Sunday we look at 1 Samuel 1:4-20 and  Mark 13:1-8. It’s hard to want to dwell in The Word with so many horrific events, one after another. And yet….this scripture seems fitting. Mark is pointing to an apocalypse as a way to offer hope.  And Jesus seems to be reminding the disciples that when things get really bad, false messiahs and saviors will try to win them over.  I wonder what the false saviors of our own time are...when things get bad?

Hannah gives birth to a son after praying through “anxiety and vexation.” (1:16) In Mark’s Gospel Jesus advises that all these awful things are but the beginning of birth pangs. (13:8)

Some define apocalypse as an uncovering …  so what is being uncovered then and what is being uncovered today? 

Giving birth hurts. But the life that is born is just that; life. How do we choose to be part of that life rather than following false messiahs into false narratives that would have us choose fear.

Like giving birth, none of it is easy, and at times it’s painful and can be scary…but there’s beauty in it, there’s new life growing, even before the baby comes. And I think that’s worth preaching these days. 

See you Sunday,

Please continue to hold Cal Cunningham in prayer as we wait for news of his safety due to the Camp Fire.


Waffle Sunday at St. Luke ~ This Sunday, November 18th 
After worship in the Bayview room, please join us for waffles and music. ELM (Enriching Lives Through Music) a non-profit bringing musical education and experience into the lives of children will be joining us. Please invite your friends and neighbors.  

Advent Season Series ~ Begins December 2nd, 10:00 AM
This year marks the 200th anniversary for the beloved song, “Silent Night.”  As we enter into this Advent Season we’re reminded of how much our world is in need of a pause, in need of calm. Join us this Advent Season as we journey together towards that holy night of peace.

St. Luke Women’s Association Annual Christmas Tea & Program ~ Friday, December 7, 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM.
Tea, Coffee, Sweets, and Savories with a Music Program and a RAFFLE. Invite your friends to enjoy St Luke’s Holiday cheer. Invitation cards are available from Women’s Association members and in the church office. Raffle items may be dropped off in the church office.

Continuing Events

All are welcome to attend

St. Luke Women’s Bridge Group ~ Monday, Nov 19th,& Tuesday, Nov 27th 10:30 AM
(3rd Monday & 4th Tuesday, Sept. to May). 

Pizza and Theology ~ Tuesday, November 20th, 6:30 PM
Creekside, San Anselmo. 

Bible Study Series ~ Wednesday, Nov 21st, 9:30 AM  

Morning Women's Spirituality Group ~ Thursday. Nov 29th, 9:00 AM

Session ~ Tuesday, November 27th, 6:30 PM

Deacons and Committees Meeting ~ Tuesday, December 11th, 5:00 PM 
Note new time.

Committee Meetings ~ Tuesday, December 11th, 6:30 PM

Posted by Nicole Trotter with
