Sunday, November 8, 2020

Dear St. Luke Community,
This Sunday is designated Stewardship Sunday. Wait! Before you roll your eyes or decide you’d rather go on a hike please read through. Stewardship Sunday is too often thought of as the Sunday that “they” (being the church or the committee) ask for money. Stewardship Sunday is so much more than that.
First of all, whether you are a member or not, you are the church. There is no “they” or “them” in this equation. The church is made up of its people who show up on Sunday. Whether you are one of those who show up every Sunday or just once in a while, you are a living part of this living body of Christ. And like it or not, just by showing up, you assume a responsibility. But unlike many other responsibilities in your lives, this is one that is not a chore. It is a spiritual gift, because the more you invest in the spiritual care of this body the more you receive.
Our theme this year is Courage and Faith – Moving Forward Together.
There’s much that needs to take place to move forward together and my prayer is that you who are reading this will feel moved and called by God to participate in the process of moving forward.
The scripture this Sunday is perfect for moving forward (Matthew 25: 1-13). We’ll be reminded in this scripture about the importance of preparation. Now is the time to dig deep into the resources of your energy as a person of faith, connected to a larger body that is embarking on something new.
In the parable that Jesus tells is the coming of a party. A party is what God’s kingdom looks like when people come together in faith: something to be celebrated, enjoyed and delighted in. But that doesn’t happen when you decide someone else can do the work. That only happens when you engage in the commitment of faith, the challenge of process, and the spiritual discernment of moving forward together.
It takes courage, faith and you.
See you Sunday,