The Weekly View

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Sunday October 28, 2018

This Sunday

Dear St Luke Community, 

What makes you well? What do you turn to when things are falling apart? If we went around the room, each of us would have a different list of answers.

In this Sunday’s scripture, Jesus turns to the blind man tells him his faith has made him well, and the man’s vision is restored. Is our faith making us well? 

At St. Luke we understand faith as a verb. That “in the doing” of our faith we practice loving and serving others as we understand Christ to have loved and served others; through compassion, inclusion, acceptance, and understanding.

Is that what makes us well? Can we practice loving others as a way of making all well with our soul? Expressing love as a faith-based community is a wonderful place to grow firm foundations for the shaky ground and challenges life brings.

Our two greatest commandments go hand in hand. Love God, love others. In an uncertain world filled with people taking sides, we celebrate the one place in our lives where party lines are erased and the political divide takes a back seat to what unites us. For one hour each Sunday, we worship a God who calls for us to love above all else.

They tell me churches all over the world are declining, but I tell you that never before in my lifetime, have I witnessed a greater need for what the church has to offer through the unity of all God’s children in love. 

See you Sunday,

P.S. Please click here to see the important letter from John Bischoff regarding Stewardship.

Upcoming Events & Announcements

All are welcome to attend

Waffle Sunday at St LukeSunday, November 18th 
After worship in the Bayview room, please join us for waffles and music. ELM (Enriching Lives Through Music) a non-profit bringing musical education and experience into the lives of children will be joining us. Please invite your friends and neighbors.  

Continuing Events

All are welcome to attend

Session ~ Tuesday, October 30th, 6:30 PM

Bible Study Series ~ Wednesday, Oct 31st, 9:30 AM  

Morning Women's Spirituality Group ~ Thursday. Nov 1st, 9:00 AM

St. Luke Men's Group ~ Tuesday, Nov. 6th, Location TBD

St. Luke Women’s Association ~ Thursday. Nov. 8th, 1:00 PM
SAVE THE DATE~ Friday, December 7th 1:00-3:00, Christmas Tea & Program.

Deacons and Committees Meeting ~ Tuesday, November 13th, 5:00 PM 

Committee Meetings ~ Tuesday, November 13th, 6:30 PM

St. Luke Women’s Bridge Group ~ Monday, Nov 19th,& Tuesday, Nov 27th 10:30 AM
(3rd Monday & 4th Tuesday, Sept. to May).

Pizza and Theology ~ Tuesday, November 20th, 6:30 PM
Creekside, San Anselmo. 

Posted by Nicole Trotter with
