Sunday, September 27, 2020
Dear St Luke Community,
This Sunday we return to the wilderness (Exodus 17:1-7). The Israelites are complaining to Moses and are completely justified in doing so. In turn, Moses complains to God. I’ve never had any trouble complaining to God. My hope is, that after Sunday, neither will you. If we can assume anything about our God, maybe it’s that’s God wants all of who we are, which means expressing our truth, our honest feelings to God and that includes our complaints.
As one person said in Bible Study, “If you’re going to complain, make sure it’s to someone who can do something about it.” Many of us were taught as children to pray reverently, which we often interpret as politely. But what if we could understand complaining and even anger as an expression of self compassion when expressed to God, who is the one being who can do something about it.
If I had a dime for every time someone said to me, “I shouldn’t complain,” I’d be rich. Sometimes that’s true, but sometimes we have every right to complain, especially when change is completely out of our own control and the situation is horribly unjust. Our God, the God of grace and mercy, can take it; he can take all of what you have to hand over as he carries us through these wilderness times.
See you Sunday,