The Weekly View

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The Weekly View - June 30, 2022


In This Issue
  • Weekly Message from Pastor Andrew P. Quick
  • Announcements & Upcoming Events
  • Mission & Volunteer Opportunities
Weekly message from pastor andrew

Dear St. Luke Community,

Can you believe it, July is upon us? The sun is shining, school is out and some folks are off on various adventures.  As we jump into summer it is time for the church to take some much-needed rest and relaxation.  The choir has already begun its summer break. Our bible study and meditation group will be taking a hiatus for the month of July.  The session will not meet.  And I will even be taking some vacation at the end of July and the beginning of August.  

One activity we will participate in this summer is the All Church Heave Ho Party on July 10 following worship.  We will spend some time building community while throwing out the old to make room for the new.  This fall we will begin with new energy and exciting new events as we emerge from our restful summer and inhabit our newly cleaned-out church buildings.  So mark your calendar and join us next Sunday (7/10) for food, fun, and laughter as we Heave Ho.

And this Sunday we will join together in communion.  I look forward to sharing in the heavenly banquet.  As always, feel free to contact me via phone (831.207.7356) or email ( ).

Peace be with you,
Pastor Andrew

Posted by Andrew P. Quick with
