The Weekly View

Sunday, April 19, 2020


Dear St. Luke Community,

We’re in the season of Easter now. Last Sunday we celebrated what is the apex of our faith and this season continues for many weeks as Jesus Christ makes his presence known through what we call resurrection appearances.

For Thomas (and I would suggest for any of us) the presence of Christ begins with desire. The disciples come to Thomas and tell him he missed Jesus’s appearance. And Thomas says “Unless I put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe.” (John 20: 24-30.) Reverend Dan White will be preaching on this text, but I will be with you all as well.

Thomas, we can imagine, is heartbroken on having missed out. He doesn’t want to celebrate, he wants to see for himself. He desires Jesus so much that Jesus comes again and offers Thomas what he needs. 

Desire seems to be key, on this path and in this life. The more we desire for God to show God’s self to us to more we will naturally begin paying attention to all the ways God is already there. The more we desire to go deeper in communion with God and one another, the more God finds ways to offer just that. Resurrection experiences happen individually and collectively. Our world is need now of resurrection experiences and beginnings. 

Remember the end of the Praise Song for the Pandemic we watched last Sunday?  The last lines…..

And when this has passed, may we say that love spread more quickly than any virus ever could. May we say this was not just an ending, but a place to begin.

If we can begin again from a place of desire, and succeed in having spread love more quickly, then when this is over, we will witness together resurrection experiences for all who received love. As we revaluate what is most important in our lives, which is life and love itself, let us be able to say that our lives changed, that the world changed, and that beginnings are resurrection appearances of their own when love brings new life born from the ashes of pain and suffering.

Yours in Christ,


Join us and invite your friends and family for this Sunday's worship service.   We will send a reminder on Saturday.


We continue to have recurring meetings via Zoom throughout the week, including Bible Study, Women's Meditation and Choir.  Details for the meetings will be sent on Monday.

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Holy Week

Dear St. Luke Community,

Maundy Thursday, John 13:1-35
Today is Maundy Thursday, the day we remember Jesus’s greatest commandment, which is to love one another. The Reverend Nadia Bolz-Weber gives a lovely reflection on John’s Gospel. You can read Rev. Bolz-Weber’s reflection here.

If you recall we also reflected on this Scripture just a few Sunday’s ago. If you missed it, you can go to our website and read or listen here.

In Bolz-Weber’s reflection she speaks about how we usually think about loving one another in the active form of giving, but we forget that it’s equally important to know how to receive love. I often hear many of you, whom I know have spent the better part of your lives giving, tell me how hard it is to ask for help. “It’s your turn to allow others the opportunity to give,” I’ll say. 

And there’s another way we receive and it comes in the form of unconditional love. It’s the kind that comes from God, Christ, Spirit and for many of us, our dogs. It’s the kind that sees you, all of you, and loves you, imperfections and all. It’s the love that says, ‘It’s okay, you’re okay, and I love you.” This Maundy Thursday, may you be reminded of how our goodness is born directly out of this unconditional love that never quits.

Good Friday Worship, 12:00pm via Zoom (link sent via email)
The Seven Last Words from the Cross: 
A Service of Scripture, Reflection, Meditation and Music

We’ll hear the last words of Jesus from the cross and sit together in sure and certain hope of the resurrection. Life is born in the dark, in the earth in the womb and reborn in an empty tomb. May this time together enrich your experience of what’s to come in gratitude for life, it’s gifts and the companionship of Emmanuel, God with us.

This Sunday, Easter Worship, 10:00 am via Zoom
Join us and invite your friends and family for this Sunday’s Easter Celebration of Resurrection and life.   (Please note, we are continuing to use passwords for Sunday Service. Link to worship sent in weekly email.)

While some of us are carrying the sadness of a world devastated by this pandemic, we’re also reminded that God has the final word, which is God’s  “yes” to the world’s “no.” God brings new life out of darkness. While some of us still can’t wrap our heads around the physical manifestation of the resurrection, our bodies know all too well the smells of wisteria blooming on vines that looked bare just months ago. We witness buds on trees and the light green ivy growing on top of the older deeper green leaves. Our bodies know spring. Our psyches too, know joy after grief. We know that life continues in periods of darkness, and we know that even the death of a loved one is not the end of love. We know the rising of tides and we know growth after wildfires. We know the waning of the moon and we know that babies live in wombs, alive and well before they can breathe on their own. These are the ways we can wrap our heads around the resurrection of Christ. Christ is in everyone of those experiences. 

While we can’t physically be together, we are still the body of Christ as we discover new ways of being the church together on Zoom. If there’s anyone who still hasn’t figured out how to use Zoom and wants to, Beth and I are happy to help you practice on Saturday. Please email me back if you’d like help. We want to see you!

Easter Bonnets
This is a joyous occasion and I invite you to make an Easter Bonnet at home. You’re encouraged to get creative with whatever supplies you may have at home.

Yours in Christ,


Posted by Nicole Trotter with

Sunday, April 5, 2020

This Sunday

Dear St. Luke Community,

This Sunday we meet again by Zoom. If you would like to join us but aren’t sure how to use Zoom, you can contact Beth or myself to help walk you through it.  Last Sunday we had 58 screens with multiple people watching in different households. Even my mother and her husband in New York were able to join.

Palm Sunday
The worship team would love for you to go into your yard and pick any kind of branch, or even piece of a bush. Then just as we do every year during the processional, we’ll wave our branches together. I’m grateful there will be all kinds of branches and not just palms. What a beautiful reflection of how diverse we are as a world. Big and small, complex and simple, fragrant and neutral, we are all majestic and loved in the eyes of God who seeds us, grows us and brings us to life.

Communion Sunday
The PCUSA recently established new guidelines on what constitutes as Communion during these special circumstances. Please bring with you any kind of something to eat and drink and we will, in unison, share in the bread and cup of Christ.

This Sunday we hear from Mark 14:32-36 as Jesus prays to God in the garden. In that prayer we hear Jesus refer to God as “Abba.” When I was in Seminary (not that long ago) we learned that this was a more intimate form of the word “father,” similar to the meaning of daddy. But in my reading just a few days after Bible Study where I shared that understanding, I’ve learned that scholars are insisting it does not mean “daddy.” They maintain it means Father. Why should this matter? It seems some scholars criticize the use of a term like “daddy” because it over sentimentalizes God, and makes him more of a buddy and friend used for us personally. To that, your Pastor says,“hogwash.” Intimacy doesn’t negate transcendence, nor does sentimentalizing our understanding of God water down the power of God. When did sentimental become something we should fear? I suppose your Pastor is just a sentimental old fool, as the expression goes. But I wear the title proudly. The world is in need of intimacy, which is born out of things of beauty, like nature, art, poetry, dance, music and in turn gives birth to more intimacy. The world is in need of the fools who fall for love and can speak to God as though God were in the room, intimately there for them, and yes, also there for the world transcendently, beyond our understanding. Okay, I’m done.

The scripture this week is powerful, as Jesus prays to God during what is one of Jesus’s most vulnerable moments, to remove the cup, essentially asking for a way out. And then, ends his prayer with, “Yet, not what I will, but what you will.” (NIV)

Beth sent me a prayer this week that I believe most intimately and sentimentally (in the best sense of the word) speaks to both the scripture and what we’re experiencing today. It’s a dialogue between a person and God. Enjoy and I hope to see you Sunday. Invite your friends, near and far.

Yours in Christ,

Okay, God, Here's the Thing
: Okay, God, here's the thing. I'm scared. I'm trying not to be, but I am.
God: I know. Want to talk about it?
Me: Do we need to? I mean, you already know.
God: Let's talk about it anyway... We've done this before.
Me: I know, I just feel like I should be bigger or stronger of something by now.
God: *waiting patiently, unhurried, undistracted, never annoyed*
Me: Okay. So, I'm afraid I'll do everything I can to protect my family and it won't be enough. I'm afraid of someone I love dying. I'm afraid the world won't go back to what it was before. I'm afraid my life is always going to feel a little bit unsettled.
God: Anything else?
God: Remember how your son woke up the other night and came running down the hall to your bedroom?
Me: Yes.
God: You were still awake, so when you heard him running, you started calling out to him before he even got to you... remember? Do you remember what you called out to him?
Me: I said, "You're okay! You're okay! You're okay! I'm here."
God: Why did you call to him? Why didn't you just wait for him to get to your room?
Me: Because I wanted him to know that I was awake, and I heard him, and he didn't have to be afraid until he reached the end of the dark hallway.
God: Exactly. I hear you, my child. I hear your thoughts racing like feet down the dark hallway. There's an other side to all of this. I'm there already. I've seen the end of it. And I want you to know right here as you walk through it all, you're okay. I haven't gone to sleep, and I won't.
Me: *crying* Can we sit together awhile? Can we just sit here a minute before I go back to facing it all?

Source unknown; circulating on social media

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