Sunday, March 17, 2019
This Sunday - Acoustic Sunday
Dear St. Luke Community,
As we move into our second Sunday of Lent, I invite you to continue following the Lenten devotions through SFTS. Today’s, written by Rev Scott Clark, describes so well the Celtic approach to life with God.
In her book The Celtic Way of Prayer, Esther de Waal describes the prayers that she and others have gleaned from the written and (mostly) oral traditions of the Celtic world. Those prayers reflect a world where folk “feel God before them and by their side, and at their back, throughout the day, and throughout the night.” With God that close, the prayers ask God to bless the work at hand, God present in it, with trust that each part of life, “however humble, however mundane, can be handed over to God, or performed in partnership and with the cooperation of God.” De Waal sums it up this way: “[These blessings and prayers] do not beg or ask God to give this or that. Instead, they recognize what is already there, already given, waiting to be seen, to be taken up, enjoyed.”
Let this be an invitation for all of us to practice more of this way of living. It is life changing. It may not be life changing in one grand moment of epiphany or transfiguration, but rather in a moment by moment holiness, where the presence of God infuses God’s self into the very core of our being because the life we live is no longer separate from the God we worship. And my best understanding of this way of life begins by listening with our whole self all the ways God speaks through every sense.
This Sunday, we listen to Jesus speak in a kind of lament; How often have I desired to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing! (Luke 13:31-35)
Can we will ourselves to live under the loving protection, guidance, and mothering that Jesus is offering? You bet we can. And like everything worth doing, it takes practice and a great deal of listening for all the ways God is calling for us in love.
See You Sunday,
P.S. - Next Sunday we will be holding a Transgender Education for Faith Community event after worship. But really it’s an education for anyone who is curious about what it means to be transgender and other gender identities we hear about. Invite your neighbors. You also won’t want to miss the Rev Janie Spahr preach. I will be in worship with you and look forward to Jamie's wisdom and warmth.
Please click here for more information.
Upcoming Events & Announcements
All are welcome to attend
Acoustic Sunday ~ Sunday, March 17th 10:00 AM
On the 3rd Sunday of each month, join us for our acoustic guitar service, where we blend secular popular songs and modern hymns that are easy to sing.
Transgender Education for Faith Communities ~ March 24th after Worship in St. Luke Bayview Room
We welcome Jordan Decker and the Rev D.r Janie Spahr. Jordan Decker is a nationally and internationally known speaker and educator on Trans Youth Suicide prevention and responsible for developing Trans Heart Line, a non-profit organization that educates and advocates for transgender humans in faith communities. Rev Dr. Janie Spahr created the Spahr Project to continue educating the church on the intersectionality of racism, sexism, heterosexism, ageism, as we move forward to advocate for justice and love. Creating safe and caring places for transgender people and their families in both church and society is one of the most pressing challenges and opportunities for the Christian faith, community life and church growth today. What does it mean to be transgender, cisgender, or gender fluid? What might it be like to have the experience of feeling as though God doesn’t love you because you feel you were born “wrong.” Come gain insights, language, and understandings. Invite neighbors, family, and friends.
During Worship that Sunday Janie Spahr will bring The Word as we worship God. I look forward to welcoming Janie back to the St Luke sanctuary.
For Janie and Jordan’s full bios, you may visit this event on our website.
Mill Street Meal Providers ~ Monday, April 1st
GROUP B - The first Monday of the month. Please contact Volunteer Coordinator Stacy Bischoff at
or 415.233.3406 for more information.
Palm Sunday Service ~ Sunday, April 14th, 10:00 AM
Maundy Thursday ~ Sunday, April 18th, 6:00 PM
All are welcome to attend this simple shared dinner of soup and bread, prayer and reflection as we join around the table in the Bayview room. Please RSVP with Joanne
Traditional Easter Worship ~ Sunday, April 21st, 10:00 AM
Service and children’s egg hunt to follow worship.
Continuing Events
All are welcome to attend
Bible Study ~ Wednesdays, 9:30 AM
St Luke Choir Rehearsal ~ Wednesdays 7:00-8:30 PM in the Sanctuary
Morning Women's Spirituality Group ~ Thursdays, 9:00 - 10:00 AM
St. Luke Women’s Bridge Group ~ Monday, Mar. 18th & Tuesday, Mar. 26th, 10:30 AM
Pizza and Theology ~ 3rd Tuesday of the month, Mar. 19th, 6:30 PM, Creekside, SA
Session ~ 4th Tuesday of the month, March 26th 7:00 PM
Deacons Meeting ~ 2nd Tuesday or the month, April 9th, 6:00 PM
Acoustic Sunday ~ Note change to 4th Sunday, April 28th, 10:00 AM