The Weekly View - May 19, 2022
In This Issue
- Weekly Message from Pastor Andrew P. Quick
- Announcements & Upcoming Events
- Mission & Volunteer Opportunities
Weekly message from pastor andrew
Dear St. Luke Community:
This has been a rough week. The shooting in Buffalo was followed by a shooting at the Irvine Taiwanese Presbyterian Church in Laguna Hills, California. These traumatic events continue to shape us and our communities. As we process this violence, I want to offer a prayer by Rev. Dr. Diane Moffett, president, and executive director of the Presbyterian Mission Agency:
“God of Life, As the sound of gunfire echoes over our land once again, we seek your love and compassion. Too many times, O God, we have cried out to you when family, friends, neighbors and children have lost their lives from gun violence. Again we cry, ‘How long, O Lord?’
For those whose lives have been spared and those whose lives are forever changed, we pray. Send your Spirit, O God, to renew our resolve and commitment to work for an end to senseless violence, racial hatred, and oppression. In Christ’s name, Amen.”
Friends, we worship a God big enough to hold all our emotions. A God who is with us in sorrow and joy. I am grateful we can once again get together in community and care for one another. This Sunday we will continue to reflect on God’s creation and our call to be co-creators with God. Also, I am excited to have Lori Davis joining us to update us on Sanzuma as we kick off our Pentecost Special Offering.
As always, please reach out to me via phone (831.207.7356) or email ( ). I would love to meet with you all individually, so if you have a free afternoon or just want to grab a cup of tea don’t hesitate to send me an invite.
Peace be with you,
Pastor Andrew