Sunday, May 3, 2020
Dear St. Luke Community,
We’ve been told to shelter in place for another month. We all have our own reactions to this news, but I will say that I’m noticing a kind of weariness among many of you as we get ready for another month of living differently. Someone asked me this morning how I am. I don’t know about you, but there’s no simple answer these days. Mostly, my heart is heavy: heavy for those who have lost their lives, those grieving, those sick and alone without family. My heart is also grateful for the small and simple blessings of life before me including our ability to be together virtually.
Our Scripture (Acts 2:42-47) has this one part of one verse that seems quite fitting…..they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts. That’s what we’ll do this Sunday. And while we won’t all be in one home or one house of worship together, we will still be one body, united in Christ. Some of us may roll our eyes at the silliness of lifting whatever you have in the house to your mouths; stale bread, crackers, banana bread. Others will take it more seriously. But isn’t that the beauty of this communion with Christ and one another? There is no one way of being required to receive what we are given in that moment. Our circumstances and our personalities vary greatly, and we come to the table for different reasons throughout our lives: a desire, a need, in search of love, to be saved, to be given second chances, searching for forgiveness, for strength, to find peace. Christ gives us all of that in the breaking, blessing and the offering of the bread, the offering of himself. More simply put, He is the bread of life.
See you Sunday,