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Sunday, January 13, 2019

This Sunday 

Dear St. Luke Community,

This Sunday is Acoustic Sunday and I look forward to being reunited with our full group of acoustic musicians this Sunday.

More importantly, this is the Sunday we remember our Baptism in witnessing Jesus’s baptism as told in the Gospel of Luke.

One of my favorite moments in my years of delivering children’s messages came when asking a room full of toddlers, who were baptized as infants, for a show of hands from those who remember the day they were baptized. Every hand would go up enthusiastically as though they would win a prize.

In sharing that story, one adult responded that maybe they did remember, and that’s it’s only us old fogies who lose sight of the memory over time.

In our tradition, we understand Baptism as an outward sign of an invisible grace. God loves us long before we are capable of expressing love, in the womb. God claims us and calls us by name. Baptism is deeply personal. 

But baptism is also communal as it incorporates us into a much larger body of Christ’s as we love God in community, one another, and affirm one another’s baptism in covenant. Baptism is communal.

Let’s explore in song and in ritual remembering our baptism this Sunday as we raise our hands in enthusiasm (like children) at the very thought of remembering a most sacred ritual and experience.

See You Sunday,

P.S. Below are some of the lyrics from the hymn you will hear as you come to the baptismal font in remembrance…

I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry

I was there to hear your borning cry,
I'll be there when you are old.
I rejoiced the day you were baptized,
to see your life unfold.
In the middle ages of your life,
not too old, no longer young,
I'll be there to guide you through the night,
complete what I've begun.
When the evening gently closes in,
and you shut your weary eyes,
I'll be there as I have always been
with just one more surprise.

I was there to hear your borning cry,
I'll be there when you are old.
I rejoiced the day you were baptized,
to see your life unfold.

Deacon Ministry

All are welcome to attend

Deacon Ministry ~ January 2019
San Rafael CARE Team is collecting coats and other “warm things” to distribute. Please bring any of the following and leave in the office:
Sleeping bags, Warm jackets and hooded sweatshirts, Beanies, Gloves, Socks, Raingear and Ponchos, Shoes

Grateful Gatherings ~ Saturday, January 26th, 8:00 AM to Noon
GG Mission: To bring hope to families in need. When a family transitions from homelessness or crisis into a new home in the Bay Area, we help them furnish it. We believe that families can thrive when they have a safe and comfortable home. Look for information about this month’s families in the following weeks. Bring donations to St. Luke on Saturday, January 26th between 8:30-10:30. Use the green pew envelope (write GG) to donate today. For information visit GG’s website at 

January 26th’s families:
Family #1 ~ Mom Maria, Natasha, 16 and Alexander, 14.
Maria, a single mom, works full-time at a local Marin market. Natasha is an artist and Alexander an athlete. Their life changed dramatically when a fire destroyed their apartment and all they owned.  They were temporarily homeless but are now in a new apartment, thanks to help from North Marin Community Services. Several kind families from Natasha's school pitched in to buy new mattresses, along with a few other necessities. Much is still needed.

Family #2 ~ Mom Jennifer, J.J. 8, Hannah, 9, and Samuel, 10.
Two of the children have recently been enrolled in special services. Fleeing domestic violence, Jennifer returned to Marin where she reconnected with her church family. After being homeless for a few weeks, Jennifer’s pastor helped the family find their current home.  Jennifer worked as a Certified Nursing Assistant but is currently on disability. She’s working on her GED and plans to return to work.

First Presbyterian SR April Mission April 7 – 13, 2019
Last week’s presentation by First Pres. member Ralph Purdy and St. Luke member Carlene McCart informed us of an annual Mission trip organized by First Pres. We are invited to go along on their 2019 trip. They are still working out the details but their tentative plans are below. April trip dates are April 7 – 13, 2019. We fly to the work site on Sunday, April 7, do home rebuilding Monday through Friday. We fly home on Saturday, April 13. We are looking at three sites in Texas that were devastated by Hurricane Harvey: Corpus Christi, Houston, or Rockport. The work assignments include putting up drywall, taping and mudding, tongue in groove flooring, framing, painting, and roofing. Construction experts guide volunteers every step.

Upcoming Events & Announcements

All are welcome to attend

2019 Initial Offering ~
Please use the yellow pew envelopes for your $30 Per Capita. Please write “Per Capita” on the envelope and on the memo line of your check. Your initial offering helps cover St Luke’s payment to the Presbytery for each member.

Pizza and Theology ~ Tuesday, January 15th 6:30 PM
Creekside Pizza, San Anselmo. We’ll ask questions and give opinions over theological subjects and scripture. Email 

St Luke Annual Congregational Meeting February 3rd after service, Bayview Room
Expected discussion items; Election of Elders & Deacons, Review & Approval of Pastor's Salary, Review and Approval of Annual Budget, Committee Annual Reports. You are encouraged to attend and participate. If you have any questions or would like more information prior to the meeting please email   .

Mariner’s Interfaith Sunday ~ March 3rd 10:00 AM
We gather in worship with the men and women who have shown their dedication in service to the ships and safety that preside over our cherished sea. The St Francis Yacht Club’s, Sons of the Sea Men Choir will bring the gift of music for this special occasion.

Fat Tuesday Feast ~ March 5th
The night before Lent begins, this traditional celebration brings rich and delicious food together in community. Location TBD.  A good time for neighbors and children to come and get to know one another. Email

Continuing Events

All are welcome to attend 

Bible Study Series ~ Wednesday, January 16th, 9:30 AM

Morning Women's Spirituality Group ~ Thursday, January 17th, 9:00 AM

St. Luke Women’s Bridge Group ~ on Monday, January 21st, and Tuesday, January 22nd, 10:30 AM (3rd Monday & 4th Tuesday, September - May). 

Posted by Nicole Trotter with

Sunday, January 6, 2019

This Sunday 

Dear St. Luke Community,

This Sunday after Worship we will be given a presentation by First Presbyterian member Ralph Purdy and St Luke member Carlene McCart on an annual Mission trip organized by First Pres. St Luke members been invited to go along on their 2019 trip. They are still working out the details but here are some tentative plans below. Come after worship to see photos of last years trip and details about this coming trip in April.

The dates of the mission trip are April 7 – 13, 2019. Arrive at the work site on Sunday, April 7, and do home rebuilding Monday through Friday. Depart for home on Saturday, April 13.

They are looking at three sites in Texas that were devastated by Hurricane Harvey: Corpus Christi, Houston, or Rockport. The work will include drywalling, taping and mudding, tongue in groove flooring, framing, painting, and roofing. Construction experts guide volunteers every step. 

A Presbyterian Church will provide lodging, usually dormitory style, and a kitchen for food prep. Each participant is responsible for flights. However, FPCSR will hold a crab feed in February as a fundraiser to pay for the cost of renting vans, a $20 per diem per person, and food purchases to prepare meals. There will be two dinners out and one afternoon to do a little sightseeing. 

In Worship~

This Sunday is Epiphany Sunday. The three kings bring gifts for the Christ child, none of which were appropriate for a baby. But they were appropriate for king. Let's reflect together on the gifts we give and the gifts we receive. The ones we like, the ones we think are returnable. And then let's give thanks to a God who sees no difference but welcomes each one of us as a gift to behold and cherish. 

See you Sunday,

Upcoming Events & Announcements

All are welcome to attend

Street Chaplaincy Dinner at First Presbyterian in San Rafael Tuesday, January 8, 5:00 PM
The Street Chaplaincy is providing a monthly dinner for our roofless friends. St Luke has been asked to again participate in a meal service on January 8thexpected to serve the usual 40-70 souls. Plan for 70 with leftovers for takeaway. This will be an example of the usual dinner services. St Luke could potentially cook a meal every other month for the duration. St Luke's own Janet Abrahamson will be the menu planner and chef de cuisine for this evening. Volunteers, please arrive at 5:00 or as close as possible and begin
mixing/ mingling/ setting up or prepping food for service.
. Kitchen Coordination: Michael Baranowski
. Kitchen helpers: 2-3 Deacons/ Volunteers especially for clean-up
. Set-Up Coordination: Kathleen Murphy
. Set-Up helpers: 4-5 Deacons/ Volunteers especially for clean-up
Please email Michael Baranowski at   for more information and to let him know what you can do to help. 

Deacon Ministry ~ January 2019
San Rafael CARE Team is collecting coats and other “warm things” to distribute. Please bring any of the following and leave in the office:
Sleeping bags, Warm jackets and hooded sweatshirts, Beanies, Gloves, Socks, Raingear and Ponchos, Shoes

St Luke Annual Congregational Meeting February 3rd after service, Bayview Room
Expected discussion items; Election of Elders & Deacons, Review & Approval of Pastor's Salary, Review and Approval of Annual Budget, Committee Annual Reports. You are encouraged to attend and participate. If you have any questions or would like more information prior to the meeting please email   .

Continuing Events

All are welcome to attend 

Deacons and Committees Meeting ~ Tuesday, January 8th,
Deacons 5:00 PM, Committees 6:30 PM

Bible Study Series ~ Wednesday, January 9th, 9:30 AM

Morning Women's Spirituality Group ~ Thursday, January 10th, 9:00 AM

Acoustic Sunday ~ DATE CHANGE, January 13th

Pizza and Theology ~ Tuesday, January 15th, 6:30 PM Creekside, SA

St. Luke Women’s Bridge Group ~ on Monday, January 21st, and Tuesday, January 22nd, 10:30 AM (3rd Monday & 4th Tuesday, September - May).

Session ~ Tuesday, January 22nd, 6:30 PM

Posted by Nicole Trotter with

Sunday, December 30, 2018

This Sunday 

Dear St. Luke Community,

Christmas Eve was a meaningful and beautiful worship service and I want to extend a sincere thank you to each and everyone who contributed in every way to make the evening so wonder-filled. It was something to behold!

Moving forward this Sunday we look forward to hearing from Luke 2: 41-52. Jesus goes missing and responds; 

“Why were you searching for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” But they did not understand what he said to them. Then he went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was obedient to them. His mother treasured all these things in her heart. 

Christmas is over but it’s not over. We begin to think about putting away the tree but Christmas is not over. Perhaps like Mary we need to sit and linger here in these long nights to treasure the gift of this child who is never really missing. Maybe we should, like Mary, stop searching and take in the gift of these days which allow us to sit and listen and do less and appreciate a little more.

These days of Christmas are gifts. Let’s sit in the company of Mary and treasure this time.

See You Sunday,

Upcoming Events & Announcements

All are welcome to attend

Street Chaplaincy Dinner at First Presbyterian in San Rafael Tuesday, January 8, 5:00 PM
The Street Chaplaincy is providing a monthly dinner for our roofless friends. St Luke has been asked to again participate in a meal service on January 8thexpected to serve the usual 40-70 souls. Plan for 70 with leftovers for takeaway. This will be an example of the usual dinner services. St Luke could potentially cook a meal every other month for the duration. St Luke's own Janet Abrahamson will be the menu planner and chef de cuisine for this evening. Volunteers, please arrive at 5:00 or as close as possible and begin
mixing/ mingling/ setting up or prepping food for service.
. Kitchen Coordination: Michael Baranowski
. Kitchen helpers: 2-3 Deacons/ Volunteers especially for clean-up
. Set-Up Coordination: Kathleen Murphy
. Set-Up helpers: 4-5 Deacons/ Volunteers especially for clean-up
Please email Michael Baranowski at   for more information and to let him know what you can do to help. 

Deacon Ministry ~ January 2019
San Rafael CARE Team is collecting coats and other “warm things” to distribute. Please bring any of the following and leave in the office:
Sleeping bags, Warm jackets and hooded sweatshirts, Beanies, Gloves, Socks, Raingear and Ponchos, Shoes

St Luke Annual Congregational Meeting February 3rd after service, Bayview Room
Expected discussion items; Election of Elders & Deacons, Review & Approval of Pastor's Salary, Review and Approval of Annual Budget, Committee Annual Reports. You are encouraged to attend and participate. If you have any questions or would like more information prior to the meeting please email   .

Continuing Events

All are welcome to attend

Bible Study Series ~ Wednesday, January 2nd, 9:30 AM

Morning Women's Spirituality Group ~ Thursday, January 3rd, 9:00 AM

Deacons and Committees Meeting ~ Tuesday, January 8th,
Deacons 5:00 PM, Committees 6:30 PM

Acoustic Sunday ~ DATE CHANGE, January 13th

Pizza and Theology ~ Tuesday, January 15th, 6:30 PM Creekside, SA

St. Luke Women’s Bridge Group ~ on Monday, January 21st, and Tuesday, January 22nd, 10:30 AM (3rd Monday & 4th Tuesday, September - May).

Session ~ Tuesday, January 22nd, 6:30 PM

Posted by Nicole Trotter with

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