Sunday, October 14, 2018
This Coming Sunday and Fundraiser Update
Dear St Luke Community,
Once upon a time was a man who did everything right. He followed the commandments and because he had been taught that if he did this God would reward him, he believed that his wealth was a direct result of his loving righteously. But something was missing. He wanted more. He wanted eternal life. Eternal life is a good life, a meaningful and purposeful life, filled with character and quality that would last a lifetime. So we went to see a Rabbi, the one they called the Messiah, who took one look at this man and loved him and said this to him, “You lack one thing; go, sell what you own, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.” When he heard this, he was shocked and went away grieving, for he had many possessions.” (Mark 10: 21-22)
Once upon a time was another man, by the name of Francis who was born into a wealthy family. After much conflict, war and time in prison, he started spending time by in an abandoned church eventually sleeping there each night. His father accused him of disregarding his responsibilities as guardian of the family business. So the father took his son to the village court. Francis put up no fight and agreed with his father, stripped off his fine clothes and stood naked, claiming God as his new Father.
The title for this Sunday’s sermon is Give it Up. I won’t be asking you to give up your possessions, but I will ask you what in your life have you made so important that it gets in your way of complete dependence on God? Do you feel entitled to what you have as though you’ve earned it because you did everything right like the man in the first story? Is there a difference between enjoying your wealth and being so attached to it you live in fear of losing it? Can you understand eternal life, the good character and quality of life as given by God as ultimately offering more security than property? I think we can, and we do. Until we forget. We almost need daily reminders to give it up and hand over all desires to the God we call Lord because there is nothing of higher value in this life or the next than what is given to us through a life lived in Jesus Christ.
Our St Luke Community Fundraiser was a success once again! The setting, food, music was all outstanding. But most of all, the community came together to help support the good works of St Luke which
The dinner brought in $17,200 and the silent auction brought in $7,200 for a grand total of $24, 400. We met our goal and couldn't be more grateful.
This Production was made possible by the following;
John Lenser- CEO, Director and Chef
Michael Baranowski- Realtor by day, Master Chef by Night
Laura Hislop- Silent Auction Magician
George Livingstone- MC and All Around Good Guy
Erich Miller- Music Engineer and Unsung Hero
Leigh Ann Antieri- Ambiance Extraordinaire
Carlene McCart- Assistant Director and place card expert
And of course, to everyone who set up, cleaned up, and showed up!
This has been a St Luke Production.
PS-Mark your calendars for next year. The first Sunday in October!
Most Gratefully,
Announcements & Upcoming Events
Blessing of the Animals ~ Sunday, October 14th, 11:15 AM Following Worship on St. Luke’s Lawn. Everyone is invited to bring their pets or their pets’ picture to the annual Blessing of the Animals. Refreshments and guitar music. Meet your neighbors!
Continuing Events
All are welcome to attend
Bible Study Series ~ Wednesday, Oct 17th, 9:30 AM
Morning Women's Spirituality Group ~ Thursday. Oct 18th, 9:00 AM
St. Luke Women’s Bridge Group ~ Monday, Oct 15th, 10:30 AM
Tuesday, Oct.23rd 10:30 AM (3rd Monday & 4th Tuesday, Sept. to May).
Pizza and Theology ~ Tuesday, Oct 16th, 6:30 PM
Creekside, San Anselmo.
Session ~ Tuesday, October 23rd, 6:30 PM
St. Luke Men's Group ~ Tuesday, Nov. 6th, Location TBD
St. Luke Women’s Association ~ Thursday. Nov. 8th, 1:00 PM
SAVE THE DATE~ December 7th 1:00-3:00, Christmas Tea & Program.
Deacons ~ Tuesday, November 13th, 6:30 PM
Committee Meetings ~ November 13th, 6:30 PM